Importing Your Account to Polkawallet

User guide on importing your account.


Downloading Polkawallet (if new to Polkawallet)

1) Download the Polkawallet mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play to your phone. Click Import Account.

Importing Account using Keystore(json)

1) On the main page, select “Import Wallet”. You’ll then be greeted with 3 options, the mnemonic seed phrase (from when you created a wallet), a raw seed (we’ll ignore this for now) and the Keystore (json) that we saved the text of.

2) If choosing the Keystore (json) method, you’ll simply have to copy and paste the text you copied when exporting and paste it into the prompt. From here, you’ll be asked to input the password you used initially with that account then pressing next.

3) Your account has been successfully imported into Polkawallet.

Importing Account with Mnemonic Seed

1) If opting for the mnemonic seed phrase, select Mnemonic in the Import Account menu.

2) You'll now be prompted to type in your seed phrase (with spaces). Once complete, press Next.

3) Now, you'll be able to name your account, as well as set a password as you would normally, and press Next.

4) You've now successfully imported your wallet into Polkawallet using your Mnemonic seed phrase.

Last updated